The primary purpose of training is to provide knowledge and practical skills to trainees.
If you are looking to develop skills in training, consider using Train the Trainer Training Course delivered by pdtraining in Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte and other cities in the U.S.

There are certain things that can adversely impact a training session such as providing criticism insensitively, not being attentive to the speed at which the trainees are learning, and using training techniques that are unsuitable for the age or industry of the trainees. A trainer must consider the impact of the training and adjust the training pace and method to improve understanding.
Never Use Negativity to Correct/Improve
Some people wrongly believe that negative instruction methods such as shaming, punishing or demeaning a learner bring about improvement. Even though such teaching techniques were widely used, they are detrimental to the personality and mental well-being of the learner.
A trainer must ensure that the learner feel empowered by the method of teaching, not lacking. Positive talk, encouragement and rewards motivates the learner to learn. Willingness of the trainee to learn is immensely important in training. Knowledge and skills gained through such a method has a better chance of lasting for a lifetime.
2. Never Isolate the Winners from the Losers
There will always be disparity among the trainees. Some trainees will be quick to learn, and some will not. To maintain equality, a trainer must never isolate the better learners from the slow ones. Providing equal time, opportunity and respect to all the learners, irrespective of their learning ability will develop a conducive learning environment.
3. Never Make a Hero Out of the Top Trainee
Many times, the trainee that excels at learning is given preferential treatment by the trainer, but that is not the correct approach because it creates inequality within the trainees. Rewarding a trainee for excellence is different from giving preferential treatment. When a trainee does well, acknowledge and appreciate the efforts, but never proceed to elevate his/her status above that of the other learners.
4. Never Show Aggression, Irritation or Sympathy
However difficult a situation is, a trainer must always remain rational, calm and patient. Showing anger or impatience with the trainees hampers learning and creates a negative environment for teaching and learning. Similarly, being angry at something, for instance, a problematic projector, will also damage your reputation. A trainer must always remain in control. To develop control, practice ways to keep calm in difficult situations. Use relaxation techniques and anger management if you are naturally a more aggressive person.
Just like showing aggression or irritation is detrimental, showing sympathy is equally damaging. A trainer must never sympathize with weak learners, but provide them with tools to help remove their weaknesses.
A successful trainer is one that is able to adapt to the needs of the trainees during the training, treats everybody with equal compassion and care, and overcome his/her own limitations to provide the best training to the learners. A successful trainer understands the importance of positivity, preparedness and perseverance.
Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Manhattan, Miami, Orlando, Philadelphia, and Seattle, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.
All public Train the Trainer Training courses include am/pm tea, lunch, printed courseware and a certificate of completion. Customized courses are available upon request, so please contact pdtraining on 855 334 6700 to learn more.