Understanding and gaining control of body language can greatly enhance your communication abilities.

To gain knowledge of body language, consider participating in Body Language Training Course offered by pdtraining in Manhattan, Miami, Orlando and other cities in the U.S.
We use our bodies to express our thoughts and feelings all the time, but most of the time we are not aware of it. When somebody points out the unique gestures we make, it comes to us as a surprise.
Know More, Respond Better
A person that can read the unspoken messages in the body language of a person can respond better over a person that cannot. In other words, understanding the reality of what other people think and feels give you the power to adjust your conversation to suit your purpose.
Body language helps us to understand ourselves and other people. It is only after we have knowledge of something that we can influence it. Therefore, knowledge of body language is a significant part in our understanding of people and our own selves.
Controlling your Body Language
You can gain control of the messages your body sends through gestures, facial expressions, way of standing, posture, etc., if you observe and practice. You can create a specific impression on people if you can control your body language. For example, you can use your body language to look confident even if you are not feeling confident.
In an alien or intimidating environment, we all instinctively cringe, become more alert or, conversely, become aggressive. To look confident, you will need to control the instinctive reactions of your body and adjust your body language to look confident. You might broaden your shoulders, stand straight (but not rigid) and smile. Give yourself time to familiarize yourself with the environment and the people. Once you are familiar, you will automatically begin to feel more confident.
Helping Others Feel Comfortable
To build relationships, you need to reach a level of comfort and trust. To let the other person know that you wish to have a positive relationship with them, use gestures such as a light touch on the arm (which expresses friendliness), a smile, or a laugh (only if the other person also thinks that something is genuinely funny). These gestures and expressions spread positivity.
You can use body language to connect better with colleagues, your superiors, your employees or anybody with whom you wish to establish and retain a positive and healthy relationship.
Observe and Practice
To gain an insight into unspoken communications, you need to observe and practice. You can observe the body language of other people such as the way they walk, how they use hand gestures, their facial expressions at different times, and so on. To see what your body expresses about you, you can watch a video where you are talking or walking or performing an activity. Observing yourself as a spectator will also help you to give you an objective perspective. You can work on the limitations you see through consistent practice. The results of your efforts will be a more confident you.
Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Manhattan, Miami, Orlando, Philadelphia, and Seattle, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.
All public Body Language Training courses include am/pm tea, lunch, printed courseware and a certificate of completion. Customized courses are available upon request, so please contact pdtraining on 855 334 6700 to learn more.
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